I was awarded the One Lovely Blog Award by the stylish Marissa at StyleBows. Wow!! Thanks so much.
When u get the award you have to....
1. Link back to the person who gave you the award,
2. Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Award other blogs & contact the bloggers to let them know that they received the award
7 things about me
1) I spend most of my money on going to concerts. I love, love, love live music. One of my favorite bands that I will be seeing at the end of the month is Papa Roach.
2) I have 3 children... Scar, Jellybean, and William. My boyfriend rescued them back in December when their mother died. They were at his job where a lot of mean men that don't like cats work...he couldn't leave them there so he brought them home.
3) I love roller coasters. The bigger the better, I like the ones with huge falls that make your stomach jump.
4) One of my favorite things about myself is my freckles.
5) My birthday is this Sunday. I'll be 25!!! I treat my birthday as a holiday and never work or go to school.
6) Although I seem like a girly girl, I actually enjoy watching the UFC. I got into it about 4 years ago. GSP is my favorite fighter.
7) I'm currently doing Insanity...the workout program. It's a killer but today was the start of my 5th week (it's a 9 week program). Me and the boyfriend tried to do it last year but stopped after the 2nd week, so making it this far has got me really excited.
Here are a few blogs that I want to give the award to that I've recently come to notice.
The Ruffly Owl
This Fashionista
Spunky Chateau
A Journey to Style
Freckled Italian
M & Em