If You Want Something Do it Yourself- Heart Garland

I'm one of those people that really loves to get into every holiday so when I saw this cute post I couldn't help but be inspired. I instantly started to come up with ideas and thought this was a fun and easy diy to make for Valentine's day that I just had to share with all of you. 

Pipe Cleaners, Scissors, Ribbon

1. Take 2 pipe cleaners and twist the ends together and shape into a heart
2. After you shape the pipe cleaners into a heart push the ends in 
3. Get pipe cleaner and come underneath heart and repeat steps to make another heart 
4. They should be intertwined. I made my garland starting with the center heart and then worked my way out on each side.
5. I wanted my hearts to get slightly smaller, so if you decide to make your hearts different sizes just cut off however much before you make the heart.
6. After you've made your garland as long as you want it, take a small piece of pipe cleaner and twist it to hold two hearts together.
7. Tie ribbon to each end and you're done!

So easy right?? Hope you enjoyed this :)
xo erica