Time Travel

Okay so I know it's already the new year but you'll forgive me for this post right?  I kind of took a break from blogging at the end of 2013 and it just doesn't feel right to start the new year without an official look back at the past. So here's to some of my favorite of 2013!
My ultimate favorite moment of 2013...the night we got engaged! see more photos from Austin here.
This Valentine's day outfit...the sky was beautiful that night.
A summer day at the beach. Beach days are always my favorite.
My mom bought me this dress...I always love getting unexpected gifts.
This monochromatic outfit was perfect for summer.
Yum...these were delicious!! And brownies in cupcake liners was one of the best ideas of the year. No fuss and no mess to clean later.
I started doing more hair tutorials the past year. This hair bow was the most fun.
Love that this diy confetti frame instantly adds a bit of happy to anything. I'm also just a bit obsessed with confetti.
I wore this outfit out to an unexpected night of karaoke. Such a fun night.
A fun candy inspired nail tutorial.
I made these fruit popsicles during the summer for a healthy and tasty treat.
Learning how to curl my hair with a straightener was my go to look towards the end of the year.
Loved all the colors that went into this outfit.
Cheesecake filled strawberries...perfect bite size of deliciousness.
This diy headband was a fun bold statement piece...loved the color combination.
I love cupcakes...and to add something sparkly just makes them even more fun. Loved these diy cupcake toppers.
This outfit was one of my more recent favorites...love this tee I got while on vacation in Arlington.

Thanks for taking a look back with me.
2013 was a good year but I'm so excited for what awaits in 2014. 
Only 3 more months until I get to marry my love.

xoxo erica

New Year, New Goals

I hope everyone had a fun time celebrating the new year! I spent the night ringing in 2013 with my family and had a really relaxing first day of the year. 

Well with every new year comes new goals. Last year I went all crazy and came up with 12 goals for the new year, which you can probably guess that all of them were accomplished!! okay not really...more like two. That's why this year I've decided to keep it simple with just a few that I feel I can really achieve.

1. Spend more time in the kitchen-I've realized that besides baking cupcakes, I'm hardly in the kitchen. I really want to change that and start trying out new things with cooking and baking. I recently made something for our NYE party that I can't wait to share with y'all.
2. Try a Vlog for the blog--I've been wanting to try this for some time now. Hopefully very soon.
3. Start doing more diy posts--I just recently left my second job so now I actually have time.  I love being able to create things and I haven't done them as much as I like lately so I can't wait to get back into it.
4. Start taking more photos--Chris bought me a camera last year for our anniversary and sadly I don't use it as much as I want to. I always forget it at home so I really want to start carrying in with all the time.
5. Get back into dance classes--This was on my goal list last year and I still haven't gone to one dance class...this one is on the top of my list.

xoxo erica

What kind of goals do you have for the new year?

oh p.s. Congrats to Marie Rodriguez for winning the giveaway. Please email me your contact info.