The Sheer Details

Blouse: Gifted, Skirt: Thrifted, Necklace: F21, Heels: L.A.M.B.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was spent celebrating two birthdays and father's day...lots and lots of good food and cake! This was an outfit from over the weekend I wore to a pizza and movie date. Me and Chris went to go watch  Man of Steel, or should I say Chris saw it?? We went to a late showing and I fell asleep!! Total fail. I can say that the parts of the movie I did see, I liked.  I've worn this blouse a few times but always with a camisole underneath. I decided this time to try it with showing off the sheer details and paired it with a skirt that has a shimmer to know, just to feel more in my natural element.
xoxo erica